Monday, 12 March 2012

Aloe Propolis Creme


I hope you are all well :) Welcome back for the latest product I shall discuss.

Today I will focus on our Aloe Propolis Creme.

This is one of my favourite products and one that I have used and used since day one. It has aloe, which brings all the benefits I have discussed in previous blogs, and propolis which is what bee's line their hive with, and is basically natures antibiotics. I love it because it's a rich moisturiser and it helps with my extremely dry hands. It can be brilliant for dry skin, conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, nappy rash, athletes foot or for people who wash their hands a lot. Bellow are some testimonials from people's experiences form using this product.

I used to suffer from horrific cracked knuckles in the winter due to the cold. Coating my hands in germoline really wasn't very attractive or effective and it was quite embarrassing. I've used propolis as a hand cream this winter and I've had no problems whatsoever. Speaks for itself"

"I have got a lady at work who's hands were terrible with deep raw cracks on her knuckles and really had the most terrible sore hands within 3 days of using the propolis her hands were improving and within a week they were healed"

As a hairdresser I use this as a nourishing hand cream to prevent my hands getting sore, as it's a barrier cream too!"

"Combined with drinking the gel it has got rid of my friends psoriasis"

It costs £14.56 for a tube that lasts me about 4 weeks and I use it lots every day! 

As with all the products they are concentrated so you only need a small amount at a time 

Thanks for reading, and get in touch for more details :)

Robyn xx

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